Thursday, July 19, 2012


I go through phases where I update religiously and then phases when I for whatever reason cannot find the motivation to write a single sentence. The past week I have been in the latter phase, clearly.
A decent amount happened I suppose so I will summarize.
I have continued preparing a lot of my food, which not only makes me feel better physically, but has reduced the amount of money I spend eating out almost completely. This is good considering how much money I seem to be spending on gas.

The Crew game this past weekend was the worst ever. We lost 2-0 to KC and these punks in our section jumped us after the game. The silver lining was the fact that I got Eric Gehrig’s game jersey. Yeah, that was pretty sweet, thanks Eric.

Last Tuesday bish got home from Europe and Stuart and I went up to the parents house to meet him. We also had a little get together for him at our place on Friday night, which was a lot of fun.
Sunday soccer was hot, but a decent turnout made Bish’s first week back an overall success.

I have been keeping up with my workouts almost daily although on more than one occasion (Including Monday and today) I have forgone the early morning workout for a post work routine.

Band practice has been happening every week and yesterday was Brian’s first practice back since vacation. Caleb wasn’t able to make it so last night’s practice was mostly just getting Brian back on track. Tonight will be our last practice prior to Saturday’s big show. If you are in the Cincinnati area, you really should come out and bring a few friends, it will be a good time.

What else.....oh Newsroom continues to be the best show on tv, although I have been enjoying Workaholics and Breaking Bad just started up again Sunday night with an amazing episode. I have been filling the cracks with Arrested Development, HIMYM, The League, Bob’s Burgers,  and Archer.
Huxley continues to be  the cat equivalent of a bitch. Needy as ever, although I think we may have fixed the pooping on the floor problem. Fingers crossed.

Work has been pretty standard, nothing out of the ordinary to report.

My friends in Emily and the Complexes played Bunbury Music Festival Friday. I had to work so I went down after and they had my name on a list to get in for free. It was great to hang out with them, even though I missed their set. Saw Brian and Mallory and then Joe Dunlap as well, we watched Ra Ra Riot together and I am now an official fan, they were awesome.

That’s about all I think. Thanks to Caitlin for nagging me to finally write again. It feels good.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Newsroom. Newsroom? Newsroom.

After a late night Sunday, it was very difficult to get up on Monday morning. I somehow did though and snuck in a core workout before work. I whipped up some chicken eggs, (4 whites, one yolk), grabbed a banana and charged into the day!
Work was tiring. Not too busy but I was just whipped. Had several regulars come in and it was nice to catch up. On my lunch I headed home where I prepped raw tuna with two egg whites (really good actually) and cut up some fresh raw broccoli. After washing it down with a glass of water, I laid down and hit a deep nap. Upon waking my breath was so bad from the broccoli, I almost threw up. Work seemed to go by pretty quickly, and my 4:30 meal was a greek yogurt. My stomach was still kind of upset (I believe from the raw broccoli). When I got off work, I went home and fell asleep again.
Caitlin came over and we watched Newsroom with Stuart. This is officially my new favorite tv show. It is fast paced and dialogue driven and I love it.
In between episodes we went to Whole Foods where I bought my dinner for the night and tomorrow.
Ps, I love Newsroom, it’s my new favorite show. Wait, did I say that already? Well it’s true, it is.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday Staples and Strengthened Resolve

Sunday it was off to church to play worship! Service went great, and was followed by a good lunch/hang with Adam, Michael, Justin and Annie. After lunch we decided that we should hang out that night around 7.
Soccer went great, we had about 14 people show up and we ended up playing until about 4:30.
It was crazy hot out. We had cloud cover in the middle for a while but when the sun came back out it was twice as hot. I actually put on sunscreen too.
I headed over to the parents after where I showered and laid around until it was time to head over to Justin and Annies.
The Cantrells started going to Journey back in December and we’ve become pretty decent friends over the past few months. They have been married for 3 years and recently moved back in with Annie’s parents in Liberty Township to save money to put down on their own place.
We turned on the Crew game and played a game of Uno while we watched our boys lose 2-1 to Montreal. We played some more until Michael left, then Annie went to bed and Justin and I stayed up talking about nutrition and meal plans etc. It is always really encouraging to talk to someone about these types of things as it gives you a renewed sense of energy and commitment. I left their place around 11:30 and headed to Kroger to do my grocery shopping.

Breakfast, Saddles, and Pools

Fridays have always been the best day of the week. Saturdays are great but the anticipation of Saturday (In my humble opinion) makes the day prior that much better.
This last Friday was no exception. Caitlin met me for breakfast at First Watch and we enjoyed lovely conversation over the best breakfast food out there.
I then proceeded to go home and lay around with Huxley for a while. I’ll say too long. But finally I had some motivation and I worked out. Felt great after, as always.
I then went to work and picked up my check which I immediately drove to the bank and deposited. I then headed up to West Chester to have dinner with my family. My sister Karina’s bf Chaz’s parents were in town so the fam had them over for pizza. My mother made 5 pizzas, I ate about 4 pieces. So good.
After dinner, I hung around for a few then headed back to my apt where I started remixing a Canoes song on Garageband. Stuart and I got really into it before my interest died out and I watched tv with Evan and Stuart until I fell asleep.
Saturday morning I woke up at 9:30 am and drove to CVG where I picked up my friend Katie who was flying in from visiting her parents in LA. I dropped her off at her place in Northside then drove up to Montgomery and met Luke at First Watch.
When I say I am addicted to First Watch, I need you to understand that I addicted to First Watch. It is my favorite place to eat, period.
After an amazing breakfast (of course), we went back to Luke’s place where we jumped right into tracking out the core structure to some new songs. It felt really good to be back in the saddle so to speak.
We went to the 4:30 pm Crossroads service where they are currently in the middle of a series entitled “The Good Life”. It was a great service. Everything from the stage set, to the music, and the teaching. I try to go to  the 4:30 service whenever I am able to. It’s really relaxing and refreshing.
We then headed back up north where we ordered Chipotle and hit up the pool at Luke and Sarah’s apartment complex. We ate by the pool and then chilled in the pool for a bit before they left to get ice cream and I headed back down my way.
My boss Jennifer and her husband Brian’s neighborhood was having a block party so I decided to stop by. There were a ton of people out and I hung out around the pool until the fireworks show then headed back to their place and went swimming with everyone. There were a lot of kids there, and I was reminded once again of how much I love hanging with kids. My youngest brother Kameron is 13 so there isn’t a lot of the “kidness” around as much anymore. We played “Jump, Twist, and Dive” and had a biggest and littlest splash contest. After awhile we all headed inside and ate food and watched the Reds hang on to a win. I then headed home and went directly to bed.

Making It Bearable

Thursday I was unable to drag myself out of bed to run. This is not something I like to be in the habit of doing, however it felt unavoidable at the time.
I don’t remember much about work that day, each day at the shop is so similar to the next, they all run together.
I had several visits in the morning. Michael, one of our regulars came in and we talked about movies and stuff as usual. Pj came in for a bit too and brought me some tuna salad from the Hyde Park Fish Market. It was amazing. My dad called around 10:30 and asked what I was doing for lunch and so at noon I met him over at El Jinete for some amazing Mexican food.
Coming back from lunch I do remember the afternoon dragging along extra slow, however knowing that I was off for the next 3 days made it bearable.
Upon leaving work, I headed home and watched a little Breaking Bad. Luke and Doyle can over around 7:30 and we walked over to S***bucks to get iced coffees. We then hung out in the kitchen (my new thing) and talked about music and life till just after ten at which point they left.
I stayed up for a bit, working on band stuff on the computer and listening to Vacationer non stop. A solid day in the books.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

260 Miles

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Looking back, this day has evolved so much year to year when it comes to how it plays out in my life.
I remember living on Hollywood Dr and all the kids would have fireworks that they bought in Indiana. For the weeks surrounding the 4th there were constantly fireworks being set off in every direction. The sound of that still brings back so many memories of living on Hollywood. Through those years we would always go see fireworks as a family on the night of the 4th. From there it transitioned into going to see fireworks with friends, and then over the past few years not going at all. For whatever reason I just have no desire to go out and be surrounded with a bunch of strangers to watch hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks being shot into the sky and explode. I kind of wish that I still wanted to, you know, relive the experiences I had as a kid But this year came and went with nothing changing. Dusk arrived and I retreated indoors to escape the heat.
I woke up around 10:30 yesterday and worked out. I was out of eggs so after my shower, I ate a yogurt and a couple oreos Stuart had just bought. I sat on my bed and played the piano for a bit. I wrote out a little idea I had and sent it to Luke. We are going to try and write it out a bit on Saturday.
After this I hopped in the car, purchased some fuel and started my drive up to Delaware to hang out with the family at Uncle Dan’s. It was real low key. I caught up a bit with Uncle Dan and then we ate around 5. After dinner everyone sat around and talked, I passed out in a chair and when I woke up, Kirtis and I drove home. We had a great drive home. We talked most of the way home and even missed the 675 exit we were having such a good time.
I hung around the house for a few and then headed back down to my place. Put 260 miles on the civic and called it a day.
Stuart was finishing up dinner (my leftover chicken from the night before) and Jenna came over and the 3 of us watched the movie Cyrus. I was so tired I was fighting to stay awake at the end. I gladly went to bed after the movie and coma slept until morning.

Good, Better, Worst.

Tuesday I got up and ran 1 mile. I clock in at 6:49. Not my best, but sitting under 7 real nice. I was half asleep for the entire run. This continued after my shower, eggs and into my work morning. My 9 ‘o'clock coffee did the trick. I don’t know if you are aware of this or not, but I only drink one cup of coffee during my full day at the shop. I usually wait until 9:00 am or after for my fix which I make via a pour over every day. I love this process. Not only does it taste good, the build up and excitement while I make the cup is the best. I then sip the coffee right about the time Brett and I start talking on Facebook chat and the next hour or two is deemed “hyper drive”. This is the point where I type superfast, feel creative and get stuff done, often pointless tasks like setting up a band account on Google +. And that’s your daily digress.
Over the weekend Mel started her project she has been talking about since her trip to Florida: covering the counter in pennies with a coat of lacquer on top. She glued several rows over the weekend and Monday and Tuesday I did a few myself. 

I left work at 5 and went back to the apartment where I met Caleb and Doyle. We stopped and got Brian some cotton candy so he would be nice at practice.
Practice went so well. We ran through the set twice and the newer song 4 or 5 times. It is really coming together and Caleb’s bass sounded really great.
After practice we drove down to the apartment where Caleb left and Doyle and hung out while everyone that was going to come over for a pre 4th party bailed. We then decided to make the most of it and head to Kroger where we bought $15 worth of chicken tenders, fries and barb b q sauce. We proceeded to eat most of it while watching a few Sunnys. Stuart and Evan got back from doing it or something and we all sat around and watched something (I forget what) until Doyle left. I then fell asleep while Stuart and Evan watched Bob’s Burgers. I eventually dragged myself into bed and passed out. Had awful dreams and woke up hating myself.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chicken Eggs

Monday started off with a delayed wake up into a intense workout. I had core in the morning followed by a shower and 4 eggs from a chicken. It is interesting to me that when one say “I ate eggs” or “I really love eggs” we instantly think eggs from a chicken. What if this whole time I told you I was eating eggs, I meant that I was eating goose eggs? Or turtle eggs? That would be strange, so I decided to clarify that indeed, I do eat chicken eggs. Think about this: If you were to eat chicken with eggs (from a chicken) you will be enjoying the whole family. What if you ate an egg from the exact same chicken that you kill and eat? Interesting. Digressing.
Work was pretty normal. I didn’t take an official lunch but I stayed through until 6 and collected the full 11 hours. This week will be short so I want all the hours I can get.
I had it in my mind all day that I wanted lasagna for dinner, so after work I ordered LaRosa's lasagna which came with a salad and breadsticks all for $10. You can’t beat that.
After stuffing my face with italian goodness, I started re watching Breaking Bad from season 1. I didn’t know if it was possible to enjoy it more than the first time, but I believe I am. I am picking up on all sorts of things I never caught before. I love it. Bed felt glorious, I was so tired. Excited about having tomorrow (Wednesday) off.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Meat of the Weekend

Saturday began at 8:30 when I woke up for the first time. Then again when I woke up at 10:10am. And again when I woke up at 11:25, and finally officially kicked off when I crawled out of bed at about 12:35.
I began the day with a 2.1 mile run which I paced in at 7:01 a mile. I shoot for under 7 and this was close, I blame the 90+ degree weather. After the run I showered and watched some HIMYM and got my stuff ready for the rest of the weekend. Stuart had left for Columbus the night prior so I had the place to myself. This of course translates to me wearing minimal clothing while doing everything I was doing. Let’s be honest for a second. Can we be honest for a second? If we are really being honest here, I will tell you that even when Stuart is around, I don’t wear a lot of clothes in the apartment, especially when it is crazy hot out. But as usual, I digress.
I left the apartment around 2:15 and headed to Journey where I was meeting up with Lauren, Mitch, and Michael. Michael was late, and so we didn’t get on the road until around 3:20.
The drive up was easy and we picked up Tom from his house to take him to the game. We made a quick stop at Target so I could buy a gold watch, which I did for $15. A great buy.
The storms had hit Columbus pretty hard the night before and there wasn’t power at the stadium until about 5pm. We arrived to the tailgate around 6pm and found out the game had been pushed back to 9pm. This was fine by us and we proceeded to tailgate like professionals. Mark (one of the Crew faithful) was grilling up burgers and dogs which tasted amazing as always. Wes and Savannah showed up a little later, followed by Stuart, JayPaul, Christy, Breanna and her friends We all hung out until about 8:15 at which time we headed into the game.
Game recap: We beat RSL (10 game winners from the West division) 2-0 and we went nuts. Both goals were scored in the first half, meaning they took place on the other end of the field. We still went nuts. Goal scoring celebrations have become my favorite thing over the years. This may sound ridiculous or obvious, but it’s true. The place literally erupts. This was the first game with the smoke machines and they really added a lot. As the game took place the weekend before the 4th of July, our section (the best section in the Nordecke) took it upon ourselves to lead everyone is multiple singings of “America the Beautiful” and one of “God Bless the USA”. This may be a defining moment in my patriotic life. There was so much patriotism in the air, any terrorist in a 100 mile radius would have dropped dead instantly. The win was followed by all the players coming over and high fiving us. I even kissed Eric Gehrig on the forehead. (he later confirmed this by acknowledging it on twitter). The game wasn’t over until around 11, we headed to 4th St where the power was still out. Then started our quest for food. I wanted chicken so we (Michael, Mitch, Tom, Breanna and her friend Erica) walked to Cains only to find out that it was closed. We then “settled” for Waffle House where I annihilated an All Star Special.
The night came to a close as Mitch and I fell asleep on Brett’s bed. It made me miss Brett even more than the lack of him at the earlier activities. Brett, this is for you.

Sunday I woke up at 6:45 am, showered and drove back to Cincy where I played keys for the morning service at Journey.
After church I headed over to the parent’s house where pops made BLT’s and we watched the Euro Cup Final between Spain and Italy. Spain cranked out 4 goals and defeated the Italians 4-0. It was a good cap to an amazing Euro tournament.  
I think after this I took a nap, I don’t really remember. Shucks. I headed back down to my place in the evening and Caitlin and Stuart watched True Blood. I watched with them and Evan. I will go on record to say I thought it was really dumb. This will not come to a surprise to these two as I verbalized it to both of them that night and later as well. Psh.

The New Face of Fridays

Thursday evening I got a call from Bob at Tazza Mia informing me that I was off the hook for the deliveries on Friday. I had put in my two weeks and it would have been my last day, but I guess the new guy was able to start so I was good to go. No work on Friday. Chaz had spent the night and in the morning he had to go sign some papers for his new apartment he is moving into. It’s only 5 minutes from my place and he is moving in with my good friend Micah Simms.
I sat around and watched two episodes of my favorite show, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, until they were done and then I walked over to First Watch to meet them for breakfast.
If you haven’t caught on yet, First Watch is my favorite breakfast place in the world. I eat there at least once a week. There is something about that place, and I am usually with really good friends when I am there too, so that adds to it.
I got a coffee to go and then headed back to the apartment where I hung out and watched more tv. I realize this sounds lame, but lately I have been wanting more alone time and watching tv is great, I don’t have to engage or think about how to respond or react. I just take things in. I love it.
So after watching tv for a bit, I worked out and then decided that before I showered I wanted to deep clean the bathroom. So I did that and man it looks and feels great. I have always loved having stuff cleaned and organized, it allows me to enjoy things to a greater level.
After showering in my freshly cleaned bathroom, I sat down and watched another episode of something and then Stuart was home from work. After hanging with him for a bit, I left to to go pick up my paycheck from work and go to the bank. While at the CGC an insane storm decided to drop on us. The winds were crazy and I heard later they reached over 70 mph.
Stuart went to dinner with his parents and I waited around for Caitlin to show up then we went and saw Moonrise Kingdom. I have mixed feelings when it comes to Wes Anderson. On the one hand I do enjoy most of his movies, on the other I have a dislike for the general idolization of Mr. Anderson within the indie/hipster community. “Who’s your favorite movie director?” It feels like 8 out of 10 would respond “Wes Anderson” without even thinking about it. But I digress.
It was a decent flick. There were a few parts that were super awkward. Sorry Wes, I don’t care to see 12 year olds kiss in their underwear.
All the power was out along Eastern Ave which included Terry’s Turf which blew up my plans to stuff my face full of their amazing burgers. So instead we went to Arthur’s which is good, but their buns are sub par. It hit the spot though making Friday a success.