Monday, July 6, 2009


As i was thinking of a name for my first blog, the name "firsts" came to mind. After all this is my first blog (excluding some lame Myspace ramblings and of course Lj and Xanga), i thought it was appropriate. While typing the letters to compose the title, my mind could not help but wander off to my many firsts in my life. my first broken bone (yes, there were many), my first real girlfriend, my first time hearing "rock" music, my first time performing music on stage, my first love, my first loss to death, and the list goes on. i realized how much of this life i have experienced, how much more i have to learn and that i still have many firsts to look forward to. my first time playing music on stage with my new band mates, my first time skydiving (maybe), my first time being out on my own, my first time beating my brothers at xbox (doubtful), my first time getting beat up by one of my brothers (arguably, has not happened yet) my first (and only) wife and this list could go on again. Life is as exciting as ever, and I cannot wait to see what each day holds. God's plan for my life is unfolding everyday, although some days it is more clear than others. i am excited to see the people that He is including in it. Hopefully i can use this blog to chart this and more over the next little bit. Until then, lets seek Him out in our daily lifes. In our work. In the movies watch. In the music we listen to. In the conversations we have. (He's there)