Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back to Winter

Good morning! After a few days of flirting with spring, winter has decided to come hang out for a bit. This morning on the way in to work it was 26 degrees. Not ridiculously cold, but more so than the 55 degrees we had earlier in the week. The other day at the Coffee Garden, Melanie (the owner) and I were talking about how people always default to discussing the weather. Our conclusion is that everyone, no matter what, is affected by the weather, therefore, it is a very natural and easy talking point. I remember as a younger kid, the only time we really though about the weather was when we had something planned for outside and rain would have ruined it. Now, despite my large amount of time spent indoors, I talk about it more.
Yesterday, was a relatively typical Wednesday. Worked at The CGC in the morning and then Tazza in the afternoon. After work Luke came down, we got Thai from Green Papaya and then I played through all the piano for the songs on our EP. He really liked the parts (as do I) and now it will just be a matter or practicing to be able to play through them perfectly so that when we go to record (the piano parts at The Recording Workshop in Chillicothe) we maximize our time and money. We sat around and talked about the future of Canoes and how that plays out in our lives and then Luke headed home. Jarrod and Evan came over for movie night with Stuart. They had rented The Ides of March, which was filmed largely in Cincinnati. I fell asleep before it was over.

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