Friday, January 20, 2012

Two in One (Day)

Stuart, Bish and Evan are playing Call of Duty. I am laying on my stomach on the floor. I am trying to re format my external hard drive so that we can use it to watch videos on the X box.
 After deliveries today, I met Alex from Tazza and Bish at Rock Bottom Brewery downtown where we ate a nice lunch. Alex and I then delivered some coffee to various places including Essencha Tea House in Oakley. The guy working the bar, Chris, used to come in to Tazza a lot. We ordered two matcha green tea shots. This was my first time having this and it was very interesting. It had a grassy/seaweed taste initially but after I was done it kind of had a fruity flavor. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I then stopped by The CGC and picked up my paycheck before heading home. I started practicing piano for the EP, but when Stuart arrived home from work, we watched the new Office and New Girl. Then Stuart went grocery shopping at Whole Foods while I attacked the piano again. I played until about 8:30 then I walked over to Potbellys and got a sandwich for dinner. I hoked up my video camera to the tv and watched some of our studio video clips while I ate. Now I am on the floor typing this blog listening to the guys banter back and forth about the game while The Appleseed Cast's Middle States Ep plays. There is a pretty rough ice storm outside apparently. My solution is just not to leave the apartment.
I go back and forth with how much detail I want to put in this blog. My purpose for having it is simply to record the every day things of life so that, at a later time, I can go back and recall what was going on. That being said, this is a public blog. Maybe it shouldn't even matter.

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