Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Weekend

Well the ice storm mentioned in Friday's entry proved to be pretty crazy. I was scheduled to work at Tazza Saturday morning, and since I could see through the window that everything was covered in ice, I went out a little early to start working on my car. After finally getting door open and car started, I realized that my door would not latch when I shut it. After calling work and letting my car warm up, it did finally  latch and the day went on.
Work was boring and slow. When I got off work, I headed home to work out, shower and clean. Caitlin was coming over so naturally I wanted the place to look nice. She actually got there before I was done cleaning. We decided that we were going to go see the new Underworld with Rob, Abi, Stuart and Bish. Caitlin and I went to Panera to grab some food first and then went back to the apartment where we met Bish and made coffee before heading down. Stuarts car was still frozen so we took Caitlin's. We met Rob and Abi at the AMC theater in Newport (KY). We ended up seeing the imax 3D version and let me say this was one of the most entertaining movies. Werewolves getting their heads ripped in half, vampires slashing people, and general mayhem. We ended up standing around the theater talking about stuff for almost 20 minutes after before heading back to the apartment. Jarrod and Paige came over and we hung out till almost 3am.
Sunday morning came quick and I got to Journey at about 8:55, where we jumped right into run through for Sunday morning. The service went well and there was a decent amount of people there, despite the parking lot being covered in ice. After church Caitlin and I went out to lunch with Adam, his wife Jess and Kevin. We went to City Bar B Q (one of our favorite places). After we finished, Caitlin and I went back to my parents house where we introduced her to the fam, hung out, drank coffee and watched Babe with Karina and Chaz. 
I want to go on record to say that I really love that movie. Often times when I go back and watch movies that I liked as a kid, they are really ridiculous or have horrible acting/camera work or terrible props/sets. None of that can be said of Babe. It has really stood the test of time. I need to own this movie. 
At about 7:30 we headed over to her house where her parents had just arrived home from a trip west (Vegasss). We hung out for a bit which was mostly her dad and I talking everything from football to hunting. We left at around 9:30 and headed to my place where we hung out for a little bit before I went to bed. 
Monday morning I woke up around 8:30, showered and then somehow ended up back in bed with Huxley and we fell asleep next to each other. I woke up at 12:30 and then went back to sleep until 2:30. I then ate cereal while listening to Everything In Transit (on vinyl) followed by running through the EP songs on the piano. Luke came over after work and we hung out talking about where we want to get band pictures taken on the 28th when a friend of mine comes over from Indy to take some. I think we are going to shoot for Eden or Ault park. We messed around with the video camera (which we determined is now broken) and watched some of the studio footage on the tv. We walked across the street and grabbed a sandwich from Potbellys and then watched the new(est) Kevin Smith movie, Red State. It was sooo intense. It is loosely based around the ideas of Westboro Baptist Church. A cautionary for sure. Luke then left and Stuart and I watch 3 episodes of How I Met Your Mother, a show Caitlin and I started watching two weeks ago. 
Needless to say I had trouble sleeping. I guess I finally did. 
Things that I want to read into (and then maybe blog about) The 2012 Presidential campaigns and what really happened at Penn State.  

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