Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I went on vacation, saw Coldplay, and played a solo show all since my last update. Why the hell would I not update when I have so many exciting things to tell you about? That is a good question.
From time to time, as I am sure I have explained before, I lose all motivation and desire to update this blog. It's not that I don't want to tell you what's been going on, I do. I just can't bring myself to type the words.
I should do several recap posts. I will do my best. I also just want to clarify that yes, I do often leave out details on this blog. If you want the "real scoop" you can just ask me. However, I still may not tell you.
This blog is in place to serve two purposes. Wait, actually maybe three. The first is selfish. It is so that I can read back over the events that transpired and remember how great even the smallest things in life are. The second, is to keep people that I don't get to talk to every day (or week, or month, or year) in the loop of what is going on in my life. The third, is to keep up with writing, as it is something that I have always enjoyed.
So here is to a healthy spurt of blogging!

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