Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Somebody's Got A Case of...WAIT, NOOO!

I feel real good about the past week of updating. I even wrote a post over the weekend, which I don’t know if I have ever done. I hope the pictures add a cool element, I think they do. That being said, I do not have any for today's post.
Yesterday started off as any normal weekday would, chicken eggs and turkey sausage.
I had my coffee around 10:00am which is kind of late, however I made a pour over of the Costa Rica that Ben from Crazy Goat had gifted to me on Sunday. It was really solid. Not as good (or fresh) as the Ethiopian from the day before, but very enjoyable nonetheless.
Between several text conversations, customers not paying at work, a caffeine drop, and several other thing I can’t remember off the top of my head, I had one of the worst days I can remember. I was reminded this morning that someone always has it worse and complaining doesn’t do any good so I will not continue griping. I was able to have two lovely vent sessions at the end of the day, one with Stuart and the other with Ms. Clark and that definitely made things a bit better.
I took an hour lunch and went home where I cooked up a chicken breast and steamed broccoli. Huxley was particularly excited about the chicken and we shared food together before heading back to work. (Huxley didn’t come with)
The afternoon wasn’t bad, we ended the day by painting another wall in the cafe, it looks real good right now.
Luke met me at my place at 6:15 and we shot over to Rohs St. Cafe where we met with Stephen Sargent from Moonbeam to talk about video ideas for Canoes. Tim and Dan showed up a little later and we ran through different ideas we had. We didn’t decide anything for sure, but it was good to put a lot of ideas out on the table.
Luke left right after and then I went to Kroger and bought bread and jelly. Bumped into Tyler Jones and his gf, I hadn’t seen that kid in forever.
When I returned home I made three pbj’s and ate them with some Wheat Thins while watching the latest Breaking Bad Episode. It. Was. So. Good. Wow.
I followed that up with talking to Stuart about our respective days which is when I vented to him.
Madeline called and we talked for a little bit before she had to jump off.
I couldn’t sleep so I sat at the piano and wrote until 2:30am.
Then I finally fell asleep.

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